Junge Oper Rhein-Main (JORM) help BKB Charity in providing the Sushma Koirala Memorial (SKM) Hospital in Nepal with urgently required medical equipment. For this purpose, JORM follows an unusual approach: The required funds are procured via a Startnext Crowdfunding Project to the benefit of BKB Charity. Primarily, an anaesthesia device, a battery-operated dermatome for skin transplantation in burn patients, an X-ray C-arm for surgery under X-ray supervision, several patient monitors for the intensive care unit and a surgical table for the emergency room are needed.
Call for help from Nepal
Only in December 2016, Dr. Christian Afflerbach from BKB together with a team of German practitioners visited the SKM hospital in Nepal for three weeks in order to support the practitioners there in difficult surgeries (see Facebook Post 1 und Post 2).
Especially the poorest of the poor, e.g. people still suffering from the consequences of the injuries of the disastrous series of earthquakes are treated for free in the SKM Hospital. In particular children seriously suffer from the late effects of severe burns, complicated comminuted fractures and major traumas. The partially destitute population is dependent on the aid of the SKM Hospital, which is financed by donations.
Junge Oper Rhein-Main, a non-profit association, which combines its cultural objectives with social commitment, has been supporting the BKB Charity initiative in Nepal since 2015 and trusts that they can facilitate the procurement of the urgently required medial equipment through this crowdfunding campaign.
If you want to help:
To the Startnext Crowdfunding Project