Thanks to all supporters!
The donation campaign for the SKM Hospital in Nepal has been successfully completed. A total of 13,000 Euros was collected.
One of the poorest countries in the world is the Himalayan State of Nepal, which is still with greatest humanitarian needs since the heavy earthquake series in 2015. Especially children suffer terribly from the consequences of their injuries. The SKM Hospital in Sankhu in the Kathmandu Valley faces this challenge and partly treats the poorest of the poor completely free of charge. The humanitarian initiative BKB Charity supports the Sushma Koirala Memorial (SKM) Hospital in the medical care of these people.
Specialists (e.g. for plastic surgery) – mainly from Germany – provide treatment in the SKM Hospital, among others for burns, complicated fragmented breaks, and severe traumas. Furthermore, these medical specialists provide training and further education for the medical staff on site, so that the Nepalese doctors even master the hospital day in the absence of foreign experts.
In order to finance, among others, a new anaesthesia device for SKM Hospital, the Junge Oper Rhein-Main for BKB Charity had very successfully launched a crowdfunding campaign at
Our sincere thanks are with all our donors!
We would like to thank the Junge Oper Rhein-Main and especially all donors and supporters by name:
Musica Donata – Augsburg; Stefan Becker; Gila Bettag; Regine, Margarete Bettag; Susanne Blume; Birte Borchers; Heike Brauner; Antje Breit; Barbara Cornelissen; Marcus Dahm; Ines Dietrich; Diemo Dorfschmidt; Daniel Drubig; Fritz Fahrländer; Astrid Fromm; Christina Globke; Roland Göttel; Bärbel Grade; Carmen Hamelmann; Marlene Hammann; Florian Heinz; Dirk Heiter; Felix Herrmann; Stefanie Hoffmann; Roy Johannisson; Martina Jutz; Dieter Komendera; Michaela Lemm; Enrico Leps; Maxie Lutze; Mariia Magdich; Gabriele Mohnhaupt; Martin Nacke; Miriam Nagel; Werner Neugebauer; Claudia Neumann; Katharina Nieß; Cornelia Noll; Sonja Noll; Wolfgang and Christine Petri; Helena Ponstein; Anneliese Röhrßen; Friedrich Rohm; Tanja Scheffer; Antje Schuett-Fahrenkrog; Matthias Schulte; Malte Schwarz; Kathi and Martin Schuster; Hedwig Strack; Martin Strack; Patrick Triemer; Hans Tuschling; Berthold Wehmhörner; Charsten Wienbreyer; Andreas Wigand; Anja Wigand.
Only the commitment of these many people enabled the success of the campaign!