Maintaining the cooperation between BKB Charity and the Young Opera Rhein-Main, a film team consisting of Manuela Strack and Dr. Björn Rodday travelled to Nepal and visited the Sushma Koirala Memorial (SKM) Hospital. The hospital is located in a small town called Sankhu and is supported by BKB Charity and German physicians. The film will allow an insight into the work on site and into the situation of SKM hospital after the devastating series of earthquakes that struck Nepal in 2015.
Virtually everywhere in Nepal one can see the catastrophic destruction caused by the severe earthquakes during spring 2015. Only a few houses could be rebuilt so far. Many people must continue to live in tents and corrugated iron-huts or in emergency shelters.
Also, in November 2015 the country had already been suffering for months from a blockade of the border crossing to neighbouring India. As a result, there was a severe shortage of gas, gasoline and important medical supplies throughout Nepal. People were cooking and warming themselves over wood fires in front of their houses.
Most people do not have the financial means for medical care. Especially children are suffering from this situation. The SKM Hospital meets this challenge so that the poorest of the poor can be treated wholly or partly free of charge. This commitment is only possible through donations and support from abroad – by organizations and initiatives such as BKB Charity.